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They came from where?

That is a good question, how did they get here? Nine-banded armadillos originated in middle and South America as well as the American South West. So how did they get actually get here? Well, scroll down to find out more.

Strolling Along

One way the armadillos got here was man-made transportation routes(4). Bridges and roads over long deep rivers help these armadillos get across(4). Even though they can hold the breath in shallow water, they dare not trek across a long and deep river. Even though this is one reason they got here however, other factors have contributed to the arrival of this invasive species.

Nobody knows

Not much is known on armadillos do in Illinois wildlife them moving northward is concerning(5). The northern most county they have been sighted in is Macon(1).

Come on out guys, its safe

Human expansion has decreased armadillos natural predators such as the black bear or cougar(4). Hunting for sport and deforestation is causing these animals that hunt the armadillos to become endangered.

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